All of these images were begun–and often finished–on location; a couple were completed in the studio.

Old and New Bridges at the Harbor. Pastel over tempera, 2017. 20″ x 25″

View From the West Deck. Inktense and tempera, 2018. 16 x 12″ (sold)

Orange Scaffolding. Walnut ink, watercolor, 2018. 16 x 12″

Cranes and Columns II. Walnut ink, watercolor, 2018. 12 x 16″ (sold)

View From the East Deck. Inktense, watercolor, 2018. 15 x 11″ (sold)

Under the Bridge (Tower of Babel). Tempera and pastel, 2018. 26 x 20″

Spools and the Desmond Bridge. Charcoal, 2018.